Drop you linen and stop your grinning. It looks as though the Manufactured Safety Branch of the California Department of Health and Safety Brand has had a change of heart.
One of the most prominent changes in this adoption is removal of restrictions created by the adult use (“A”) and medicinal (“M”) license designations. Businesses will be able to complete one license application and receive one license allowing them to operate in both markets. Beginning June 6, 2018, designation of cannabis and cannabis products as adult-use or medicinal will primarily occur at the time of retail sale, except for higher-THC products permitted only in the medicinal market.
The state cannabis licensing authorities developed emergency regulations to implement the mandates of the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), signed into law in June 2017. CDPH’s regulations, which became effective on December 7, 2017, outlined the statewide standards and licensing requirements for commercial cannabis manufacturers. Emergency regulations are effective for 180 days and must be re-adopted to stay in effect. CDPH provided public notice of the re-adoption on May 18, a public comment period was held from May 25-29, and OAL approved the regulations on June 6.
So basically, it is time to get your manufacturing license approval before June 6, 2018. This mean if you haven’t already started, it is time to get approval from you local authority (City, Town or County), get approved and then apply for the state emergency temporary license. The perfect time to get start is now.
Goodnight and good luck